Perks of Kids Using Technology: How the Internet is Teaching Empathy

Technology is a positive tool for kids because it allows for education and growth outside of an everyday classroom setting. There is opportunity to not only teach through various platforms, but also gain practical social/emotional skills. Educator and PBS Contributor, Rusul Alrubail, examines how Education Technology (EdTech) has helped her students understand higher level emotions like empathy. Alrubail writes, “…our …

Preparing Your Work Life for Maternity Leave

Getting your life baby ready is already intense, but adding work responsibilities takes the intensity up a notch. If you’re a remote employee or freelancer, you experience this pressure on a different level. Maternity/paternity leave has been a topic of discussion for many years, but recently the leave time has been challenged. However, a self-employed or remote worker will face …

Coworking as a Parent

Written by Charity Estes Being a parent is my greatest joy and purpose, but adding work to the mix brings in new challenges. If you’re reading this, you probably understand what I mean. Maintaining a work-life balance is important, and you need to make your time a priority. One way I enjoy creating a balance is though keeping my work …

Importance of Family Time

Summertime offers a lot of freedom – maybe not to you but it does to kids out of school. If you have kids who fall into the “school’s out for summer” category, then you understand the struggle of keeping them entertained. However, in this technology-driven culture, you probably resist the urge to simply sit them in front of an iPad, …

Why Cornerstone Coworking Should be Your Home this Summer

You don’t want to fill your summer with work, but as an adult you don’t really have a choice in the matter. But you do have a choice in where you work! When you’re at home, distractions surround you. Whether it’s kids or laundry, it’s difficult to focus. Lucky for you, finding a coworking space will benefit your working habits. …

Summer Team Building Activities

Summer is full of distractions. Between work and personal vacations, you may notice a disconnect with your team. For a successful team, communication and intentional interactions are key. When you’re in the middle of summer and there are hundreds of thoughts and plans brewing in your mind, it’s important to create time for your team to step back, do something …

Skills to Learn This Summer

For many of us, the era of summer break is a thing of the past. I sometimes miss lazy summer days and the two-month break from reality but there’s so much more I can do now as a full-time employed 20-something. While many people are taking vacations and finding any moment to relax, you should use this time to learn …

Productivity Secrets to Live By: Implementing Work Sprints Into Your Day

Written by Samantha Proctor What does productivity look like? It probably looks different to you than it does to me. To share a little story–on so many occasions, I tell my husband “I feel like we’ve had a productive day!” He then looks at me, laughs, and usually disagrees. When I look at what we do on a typical day, …

Time Management Tips For When You Work Alone

If you read our blog post last week, you learned how working around people (like in our Coworking space!) helps your brain focus better. It’s scientifically proven that working around another person who is exerting effort will help you work too. But we understand you can’t always make time for our space or you simply need a break from people. …

How Coworking Helps You Stay on Task

Exiling yourself in a room isn’t a great way to actually finish your work. If you think eliminating distractions will help you focus more, then think again. Although this is a wide-held belief, it actually doesn’t help. Surrounding yourself with others who are working will encourage you to work too–and that’s science, people. A 2016 study found participants exerted more …