Coworking Perks + Amenitites: Why Do They Matter?

What makes Cornerstone different from other coworking spaces? That’s a great question and we’re so glad you asked! 😉   First and foremost, Cornerstone has been around since 2013. That’s a long time, and over the years, we’ve had the chance to learn the ropes, figure out what works, and understand what you need—while cutting out what doesn’t. In these past …

Networking Confidence: Go from Awkward to Amazing

Networking can be a daunting experience, especially if you’re naturally shy or uncomfortable in social settings. However, with a few strategies and mindset shifts, you can transform those nervous jitters into confident connections. Here’s how to go from awkward to amazing in your networking efforts: Shift Your Mindset Instead of viewing networking as a chore, see it as an opportunity …

Member Spotlight: Joel Jones

Joel’s upbringing, education, career, hobbies, and lifestyle all share a similar trait: being consistently nomadic. Joel was raised in a Navy family, so while he was technically born in Arkadelphia, Arkansas (yes that’s a real place!), he was raised in Norfolk. And Dallas. And Ft. Worth. And Jacksonville, FL. In fact, Joel moved every two years until he started high …

Finding Success Within Your ‘Failures’

How are your New Year’s resolutions going so far? Do you feel a sense of guilt answering that question? I know I do. I came into 2021 strong, I was going to quit Chick-fil-A for lunch, cold turkey  (HAHA!) and I was going to spend more quality time with my kiddo and less time in front of the tv. Now …

Make Remote Working Work

Written by Samantha Proctor The biggest question of this year is “how do I make this work.” With curveball after curveball thrown at us, all we’re able to do is dodge and adjust. Between work, digital learning, family, and attempting to maintain a social life, we have done a lot of dodging. But don’t let this get to you or …

SMART Assessment: Reclaim Your Business Goals

June has come to a close and the year is still as interesting as it was a few months ago. Although Covid-19 may have thrown off some of your goals for the year, it is time to get back on the saddle, tighten the leash on your plans, and head off to the races. Whether it’s a business or personal …

Balancing Life & Working Remote

Articles on work-life balance may seem like white noise to most at this point, but it’s important not to lose focus! As I was sitting at home yesterday, I noticed a couple of trends: 1) I was putting fewer tasks on my to-do list and 2) it was taking longer to accomplish each one. My time in the office was …

Maintaining Work Culture in Uncertain Times

No matter what role we play in our respective business or workplace, we are all shaping our work environment and culture. Because we are living in a primarily virtual world, it is now more important than ever to have intentionality in maintaining, growing, developing, and shaping our environment. Burke Allen, CEO of Cornerstone Coworking and Novologic, often says, “regardless of …