How to Make Sitting in Traffic Better: 5 Podcasts to Listen to On Your Commute

Sitting in Atlanta traffic is probably the last thing you feel like doing early in the morning on your to work and on your way home from a long day, but listening to Podcasts can make traffic a little bit better. Why not use the extra time to your advantage by learning something new and getting inspired!?  Here are a …

Morning Routines and How They Increase Productivity

Sometimes mornings get a bad wrap, but they actually have so much potential! Think of mornings as a fresh start, maybe a new sale or a new relationship is on the horizon, and all you have to do is start the day!  An easy way to motivate yourself to get out of bed and to start the day is by …

Bits and Pieces: Week 5 – Self Leadership

There are three levels of leadership: Leading Oneself, Leading Others, and Leading Organizations. Leading self is a foundational element for success.  It is about results, relationships, learning, taking action and management of your time.  Every person in every organization must be proficient these areas to be successful.  Mastering these areas will help on a personal and professional level. Fail Every Day – failure is an …

Bits and Pieces: Week 4

“In many mays effective communication begins with mutual respect, communication that inspires, encourages others to do their best.”  – Zig Zigler As communication and listening are so vitally important to continuity and success in our lives both personally and professionally, we will have a number of “Bits & Pieces” on the subject.  I personally experience situations where I could have done …

Bits and Pieces: Week 3

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” – George Bernard Shaw How many times have you been in a discussion or meeting and when the notes were published you wondered if you had been in the same meeting?  Or, you have been in a discussion and the audience does not seem to grasp what you are communicating?  …