From Work to Home: How to Lead in All Areas of Life

This season at Cornerstone we are focused on Leadership, in all aspects. While we pour most of our energy into our workplace, it’s critical not to forget what happens when you leave the office. Being a leader doesn’t end at work. We have to remember that God calls us to be leaders in our family. Moms and Dads, your kids …

Adjustments to Work Routines that Boost Productivity

Alex Cavoulacos, president and founder of The Muse, has discovered a few tricks to changing up your routine that will encourage an increase in productivity. Even if you love your routines, and schedules sometimes change is just what you need to refresh yourself and Get. It. Done. She reveals tips from changing your scenery (like at Cornerstone, wink wink), to …

Tips to Keep a Schedule While Working Remote

Whitson Gordon, with The New York Times, shares a few tips with us on how to be successful working from home, or anywhere remote for that matter. She shares that no matter what your struggle may be, a little structure goes a long way. “Maybe that flexible schedule keeps you from daily basics like exercising and eating, or maybe it …

Craft Your Daily Habits: Creating Routines that Work for You

Elizabeth Larkin, writer for The Spruce blog, has created a helpful step-by-step list on how to establish a routine. “Setting up a solid daily routine is a little bit art and a little bit science,” she writes. “The science is figuring out what you need to get done; the art is figuring out when to do it.” From your morning …

Waking Up and Starting Your Day on Time

Googling “how to wake up on time” is like searching for ways to lose weight without exercising. You’ll find all these bullet points to list out exactly how to do it, but your will power is nowhere in sight. If you’ve put “waking up on time” or “lose 10 pounds” on your New Year’s resolution, then you have an idea …

Coworking 101: How To Maximize Your Cornerstone Experience

You have probably noticed a few key differences between working at Cornerstone Coworking compared to working at home, out of a coffee shop, or out of a traditional office space. Here are a few things you can do in order to maximize experience here at Cornerstone! 1. Introduce Yourself To Coworkers: Every day at Cornerstone is an opportunity to network, …

Morning Routines and How They Increase Productivity

Sometimes mornings get a bad wrap, but they actually have so much potential! Think of mornings as a fresh start, maybe a new sale or a new relationship is on the horizon, and all you have to do is start the day!  An easy way to motivate yourself to get out of bed and to start the day is by …

Hacking Your Todo List

The dreaded to-do list… We all hate it. Let’s be honest. It’s a list of things that we have to do eventually, but it just seems to get longer and longer. It’s like laundry, it’s never completely done. The items just keep piling on and on. How do we manage this? The stress of those long lists can be unbearable …