SMART Assessment: Reclaim Your Business Goals

June has come to a close and the year is still as interesting as it was a few months ago. Although Covid-19 may have thrown off some of your goals for the year, it is time to get back on the saddle, tighten the leash on your plans, and head off to the races. Whether it’s a business or personal …

Private Offices Available

We love any opportunity to grow the Cornerstone family and we have a wonderful chance for this right now. Two of our private offices are available for you, or someone you know, to move in! Here’s the rundown of what these offices include: – Furnished private office with desk, chair, and bookshelf – Bring in your own furniture (if you …

Maintaining Work Culture in Uncertain Times

No matter what role we play in our respective business or workplace, we are all shaping our work environment and culture. Because we are living in a primarily virtual world, it is now more important than ever to have intentionality in maintaining, growing, developing, and shaping our environment. Burke Allen, CEO of Cornerstone Coworking and Novologic, often says, “regardless of …

Supporting Small Businesses in the Midst of Covid-19

Written by Skyy DeAngelo As we have all been affected by COVID -19, it is important to maintain a sense of community through supporting and uplifting our local community of small businesses.  Within the first couple weeks of the pandemic, people went into a position of fear and fending for themselves. But as more information was given on the situation, …

Communicating Across the Cyberspace

There is a reason the phase communication is key has been relevant for so long. It’s hardly ever an easy task and has only increased in difficulty during Covid-19. Between text messages and emails, tones are mishandled and wording isn’t always clear. Although many of you who use coworking spaces have adjusted to remote communication, it is new for many …

What COVID-19 has Taught me so far

Written by Samantha Proctor It’s day 62,843 of quarantine, right?  I’d be lying if I said I haven’t worn the same outfit for 3 days in a row…oops.  Most days I can’t even remember if it’s Tuesday or Friday, or if I’ve eaten anything today. What I do know is that this pandemic is something that our generation, heck, even …