Networking Confidence: Go from Awkward to Amazing

Networking can be a daunting experience, especially if you’re naturally shy or uncomfortable in social settings. However, with a few strategies and mindset shifts, you can transform those nervous jitters into confident connections. Here’s how to go from awkward to amazing in your networking efforts: Shift Your Mindset Instead of viewing networking as a chore, see it as an opportunity …

Member Spotlight: Joel Jones

Joel’s upbringing, education, career, hobbies, and lifestyle all share a similar trait: being consistently nomadic. Joel was raised in a Navy family, so while he was technically born in Arkadelphia, Arkansas (yes that’s a real place!), he was raised in Norfolk. And Dallas. And Ft. Worth. And Jacksonville, FL. In fact, Joel moved every two years until he started high …

Supporting Small Businesses in the Midst of Covid-19

Written by Skyy DeAngelo As we have all been affected by COVID -19, it is important to maintain a sense of community through supporting and uplifting our local community of small businesses.  Within the first couple weeks of the pandemic, people went into a position of fear and fending for themselves. But as more information was given on the situation, …

Building Your 2019 Business Budget

In the last month of the year, you probably have a few ideas for 2019 – be it expanding your business, releasing a product, or landing a new partnership. Whatever your goals for 2019 are, I’m sure you’ve been in the process of thinking and preparing, but have you established a plan?  Tara Storozynsky’s blog post examines what you need …