Turning Off When You Work from Home

When your office is physically away from your home, it’s easy to mentally separate the two, but when your office is your home, you may find the separation a little difficult. As more people are turning toward telecommuting, the boundaries between work and family are wearing thin. And with increasing technological developments, your already mobile office is expanding to other …

The Keys To A Healthy Work-Life Balance

Are you living to work or working to live? Sometimes balancing work and all the other aspects of life seems impossible. Life can get so busy that it’s easy to focus only on work and then be so exhausted that your weekends turn into a time to catch up on sleep and relax- which is totally okay and needed, but …

The Importance Of Family

At Cornerstone we believe in the power of family and we and value it. Family is what holds you together when you’re at your worst, is the foundation of who you are, and is probably your reason for working hard every single day. Being around family is important for more reasons than one. Family is refreshing and recharging because they …

Coworking Isn’t Going Anywhere

Coworking is quickly becoming the new normal and is expected to continue growing at rapid rates. It is projected that in a 5-10 years traditional offices spaces will begin to die down and the majority of the workforce will work out of some sort of variation of a coworking space. Here are some statistics that prove that coworking is not …

Cornerstone Highlight: Our Conference Rooms

At Cornerstone, we have six unique conference rooms that are perfect for meetings, presentations and for when you just need a moment to yourself to really focus and concentrate. Each one of our conference rooms has its own unique feel and size, so there is a conference room for everyone and every need. Here’s a little bit about each of …

Coworking 101: How To Maximize Your Cornerstone Experience

You have probably noticed a few key differences between working at Cornerstone Coworking compared to working at home, out of a coffee shop, or out of a traditional office space. Here are a few things you can do in order to maximize experience here at Cornerstone! 1. Introduce Yourself To Coworkers: Every day at Cornerstone is an opportunity to network, …

Networking Event: Cornerstone Summer Social

Exciting news! On Thursday, June 7th from 4-6 pm we are having a networking event right here at Cornerstone! Networking events are a great way to get to know other professionals, build new business relationships, and expand your business contacts. At Cornerstone, we love hosting events and equipping our members with opportunities to expand themselves and their businesses. This upcoming …

How To Appreciate The Slow Seasons Of Business

Summer is right around the corner, which means if you’re like a lot of businesses, you are probably approaching a slow season. Even though slow seasons get a bad wrap, sometimes they’re just what you and your business need.  Slow seasons give you an opportunity to focus on things like your business model, expense reports, customer acquisition, marketing and your …