Rebranding 101

When you think of good branding, your mind most likely shoots to Nike, Apple, and/or Starbucks. These brands understand the power of a logo and they’ve become iconic for it. Realistically, small businesses like ours will not have the same worldly impact with our branding, but our image affects our current and prospective customers. If you’re currently facing the obstacle …

Turning Off When You Work from Home

When your office is physically away from your home, it’s easy to mentally separate the two, but when your office is your home, you may find the separation a little difficult. As more people are turning toward telecommuting, the boundaries between work and family are wearing thin. And with increasing technological developments, your already mobile office is expanding to other …

Coworking Isn’t Going Anywhere

Coworking is quickly becoming the new normal and is expected to continue growing at rapid rates. It is projected that in a 5-10 years traditional offices spaces will begin to die down and the majority of the workforce will work out of some sort of variation of a coworking space. Here are some statistics that prove that coworking is not …

Working From Cornerstone > Working From Home

Working from home can be great for many reasons- like getting to stay home in your pajamas and watching Netflix in between work tasks!? But let face it, working from home gets old really fast. Here’s why working from Cornerstone is better than working from home Fewer Distractions: From doing laundry, watching kids, and the temptation to watch tv- working …

What Separates Us From Other Coworking Spaces

It seems like coworking spaces are popping up everywhere. From large companies to smaller companies there are tons of coworking options. We believe that there is something for everyone, but we also believe that Cornerstone offers something different, special, and unique. Small Business Centered: We are a small business so we understand what it takes to run a small business. …

How To Appreciate The Slow Seasons Of Business

Summer is right around the corner, which means if you’re like a lot of businesses, you are probably approaching a slow season. Even though slow seasons get a bad wrap, sometimes they’re just what you and your business need.  Slow seasons give you an opportunity to focus on things like your business model, expense reports, customer acquisition, marketing and your …

How to Send Professional Thank You Notes

How to Send Professional Thank You Notes When is the last time you received a handwritten thank you note? It’s probably been a while, but I’m sure you remember exactly when the last time you received one was, and more importantly who you’ve received it from. Thank you notes leave a lasting impression of you and your business, so make …

Treat Yourself: Self-care Tips for The Busy Entrepreneur

This month we’re talking all about appreciation. We’ll be covering everything from how to appreciate your employees, customers, and coworkers! Sometimes, before showing appreciation to others, you just need to take a second for yourself! As busy entrepreneurs life can get hectic, schedules can get tight, and before you know it you’ve forgotten to take a moment for yourself. Here …

How to Make Sitting in Traffic Better: 5 Podcasts to Listen to On Your Commute

Sitting in Atlanta traffic is probably the last thing you feel like doing early in the morning on your to work and on your way home from a long day, but listening to Podcasts can make traffic a little bit better. Why not use the extra time to your advantage by learning something new and getting inspired!?  Here are a …