Waking Up and Starting Your Day on Time

Googling “how to wake up on time” is like searching for ways to lose weight without exercising. You’ll find all these bullet points to list out exactly how to do it, but your will power is nowhere in sight. If you’ve put “waking up on time” or “lose 10 pounds” on your New Year’s resolution, then you have an idea …

Create a Money-Making Marketing Strategy

Whether you are starting a new business or updating your current one, a marketing strategy is a great way to visualize how you are reaching customers. A study from Smart Insides asked 604 businesses if they have a clear marketing strategy and only 34 percent said theirs is created and implemented. That’s a small percentage of businesses getting the most …

Where to Spend and Save: Managing Money for Your Small Business

Revitalizing a business may take more than sprucing up little areas here and there. Sometimes it requires a complete adjustment of how you are investing in your business. The Small Business Administration (SBA) discovered over half of small business fail within their first five years because of poor planning/investing. Establishing a small business is a feat for the strong willed, …

Building Effective Relationships at Work

We spend the majority of our lives working. With school then real world jobs, a lot of our time involves interactions with numerous people and hours working as part of a team. Because of this time dedication, it’s important we know our coworkers/team members and are able to build appropriate and effective relationships with them. A 2017 survey from The …

Ted Talks for Business Leaders

When you own a business, you’re not just leading the way for your company, but you’re also seeking leaders to stand with along the way. Not everyone will successfully lead with you or have the best interest for your company, but choosing the right leaders play a key role in the success of your business. But choosing the right leaders …

Rebranding 101

When you think of good branding, your mind most likely shoots to Nike, Apple, and/or Starbucks. These brands understand the power of a logo and they’ve become iconic for it. Realistically, small businesses like ours will not have the same worldly impact with our branding, but our image affects our current and prospective customers. If you’re currently facing the obstacle …

Coworking Isn’t Going Anywhere

Coworking is quickly becoming the new normal and is expected to continue growing at rapid rates. It is projected that in a 5-10 years traditional offices spaces will begin to die down and the majority of the workforce will work out of some sort of variation of a coworking space. Here are some statistics that prove that coworking is not …

Working From Cornerstone > Working From Home

Working from home can be great for many reasons- like getting to stay home in your pajamas and watching Netflix in between work tasks!? But let face it, working from home gets old really fast. Here’s why working from Cornerstone is better than working from home Fewer Distractions: From doing laundry, watching kids, and the temptation to watch tv- working …

Cornerstone Highlight: Our Conference Rooms

At Cornerstone, we have six unique conference rooms that are perfect for meetings, presentations and for when you just need a moment to yourself to really focus and concentrate. Each one of our conference rooms has its own unique feel and size, so there is a conference room for everyone and every need. Here’s a little bit about each of …