Rainy Day Bliss


April showers bring May flowers, yes, we’ve all heard it before. We love the flowers, but can we skip the rain? When we think of the rain, we think of long dreary days – that are dark and just gloomy. Nothing positive can come out of a rainy day. Well, that’s what we used to think. But remember, this month we are flipping the script on the things we hate. We have seen the rainbow after the storm, and only have wonderful things to say about rainy days now. We’re calling it our ‘rainy day bliss.’ Check out a few of these silver linings that come from those dreaded rainy days.


The rain brings life. Every living thing needs water to live. This is why April showers bring May flowers. Even though it is completely bizarre that water just falls from the sky, the Earth needs every drop to thrive. The rain makes flowers bloom, and also washes away the pollen that is making you sneeze thirty thousand times a day. Appreciate the beauty that the rain brings.

The rain brings inspiration. The white noise that comes along with a nice steady rainy day, inspires people. It brings out your creativity and also promotes productivity (we’ll explore this one next). My crazy theory on this relates to the shower. I don’t know about you, but my wildest, craziest, yet best ideas, happen in the shower. Maybe this is why so many people get their million dollar ideas on rainy days – it’s like a shower for the Earth!

The rain brings productivity. We all hate looking outside and seeing the rain falling, but it’s easy to ignore, which leads to a boost in productivity during this time. On bright beautiful days, we spend the whole day just staring and counting down the minutes until we can spend time in the sun. During the rainy season, it’s more likely for us to put on some music, keep our head down and just work.

The rain brings laughter. Have you ever played in the rain with a frown on your face? If you say yes, then you’re lying! Grab the family and take time to just play in the rain. The smiles that will come from that is well worth the pile of wet laundry you’ll have to clean up later.

We, as humans, have a tendency to look at the worst case scenario rather than the positive side of things. That’s what this month at Cornerstone is all about – learning to be grateful for the blessings bestowed on us and finding the silver lining in every situation. Find a reason to smile, each and every day – even if you don’t want to!





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