Love What You Do


Everyone has heard the phrase, “If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.” I’m here to testify to that. The average person spends half of their waking hours working. Do you not agree that those hours should be spent doing something you love?

Don’t get me wrong, just because you love what you do doesn’t mean that you won’t have stressful days, or frustrating moments. It just means that at the end of the day, despite all of your obstacles, you know that you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

A few factors that may influence your love for you job:

  1. You know this is where God has orchestrated for you to be. – I have a pretty great story to back this up. About 8 years ago I met someone on a double date. This person was in a leadership position at her job and I was looking for a new job. After a few conversations, I decided to go for it and apply. Little did I know that getting that job would influence me to change my major. At this job I also worked under a woman that would then become my boss at my internship. Circling back to 6 years after our introduction, the same girl that got me a job a 18, hired me a Cornerstone. If that isn’t God, I don’t know what is. If God has you somewhere for a reason, it’s worth celebrating and honoring by giving your best and loving what he has given you.
  2. You serve a greater purpose where you are. – Does anyone else get total satisfaction and peace from marking the important task off your list? My favorite days are the days where I can look back on the accomplishments that I’ve made and and be proud of the work I’ve done. But even better than marking a task off my list, nothing makes me more proud than knowing that through my job, I’ve had the ability to do something and make a positive impact for the greater good. When I can look back and be proud of what my team has done for Cornerstone, a member within, or anyone in our community, that is when I am reminded that we are here for something much greater than punching a time clock.
  3. Your team all works for the same goal .- It’s much easier to love what you do when you love who you do it with. Being a part of a team that is all working for the same goal will help keep your energy up and create the culture and environment you want in the workplace. Choose your team carefully, and if you don’t choose your team find a few activities that will help you get to know each other and grow together
  4. Perspective – Have you ever had a job that you hated? Maybe you watched the clock until you were able to go home or you went home frustrated every day. Maybe the bad days outnumbered the good? Have you left that job and now found one that works well with your personality, makes you happier, and give you purpose? It’s important to never forget where you came from and the blessing that is in front of you. It’s important that we remember about the people that pray for the job that we sometimes take for granted. Always remember to keep perspective and look at your job, your journey and your life with a grateful heart.

Overall, many factors can help someone love what they do. These factors may be different for everyone considering every person is different. However, the need for every person to love and enjoy what they do is very important. There is a direct correlation between someone’s happiness in the workplace and their productivity. According to fast company economists at the University of Warwick found that happiness led to a 12% spike in productivity.

Don’t be afraid to love your job. Your positive attitude may be exactly what someone else needs to change their attitude and learn to love their job as well. “Be so happy that when others look at you, that become happy too.”